Sunday 11 April 2010

Sunday 13:12

Crowds pour out of the venue on the promenade and roads. It's goodbye from me and goodbye to ECG 2010

Sunday 12:48

After the anointing with oil, people file out of the venue for the final time this year.

Sunday 12:17

In a typically inspirational final service, Ashley Cooper (ECG Exec) calls us to go and practice what we've heard during the 2010 conference.

Sunday 11:21

People worshipping in the Theatre during the final service.

Sunday 10:04

Sound checks in the theatre prior to the final service of ECG 2010!

Saturday 23:09

Philippa's final song of the night and probably the last song i'll see her play until (at least) ECG 2011. It's been a great night and i've seen enough live performances from her this week to last that long!

Sunday 08:12

A lot of people have had to get up early on this last day of the conference to pack up ready to leave. It's a nice day though and the Great Orme is lit up already like it was the middle of the day!